Sunday, January 11, 2015

11 Jan 2015 - Accountability

Today is Sunday, January 11, 2015.

The last time I saw my kids was April of 2014.

My ex proposed to the court that we used a site called Talking Parents to communicate - that way everything would be documented.  I was all for it.  She always took better notes than me anyway (because I didn't spend my days plotting on how I could screw her over).

At any rate, on my oldest son's birthday, I called to talk to him.  She answered and told me she was on the phone and to call back in an hour.  So I called back an hour later.  She told me she was still on the phone, and to call back in half an hour.  When I reminded her that she told me to call back in an hour, and I did, she brushed it off saying that it was no big deal and I'd have plenty of time to talk to them (trying to make it seem like I was overreacting).  So I called back half an hour later.  She answered again and said they were leaving the place they were at, but I could talk for a quick minute.

I asked my son what he wanted - he told me he wanted a character in a video game called League of Legends.  I told him I'd purchase that character for him and we could play together as soon as he got home.

So I did, and he logged on, we started the mission and within two minutes of playing the game, he got scared, said, "I have to go" and disconnected.  This is an online multiplayer and highly competitive game, so when a player disconnects intentionally, they can be banned or have other negative consequences.  It was only 8:30 pm and they did not have school the next day.

I called and told him to put his mother on the phone.  When she answered, she told me in a cold voice that he was not allowed to be on the computer.  I told her, rather loudly, that it was his birthday and all he wanted was to play this one game with me.  I told her if she kept punishing them when they wanted to spend time with me, it would result in them wanting to leave her.  She hung up on me and I've never heard from them since.

I went to Michigan last August.  I told her and the kids in February that I would be in town for my grandmother's funeral, my mother's birthday and a the family reunion (all in one weekend).  February. First she told them, "You've already seen your father this year."

Next she told them, "You weren't invited."  When I told them of course they were, she told me that they had already made reservations for a vacation that weekend - and that they were made a year ago.  I told her, if you want me to believe that you planned a vacation a year ago for the one weekend out of the entire year that I would be in Michigan - show me the receipt.  She said "due to the restraining order, I will not give out any personal information."

Then she stopped checking Talking Parents, stopped communicating entirely, changed her phone number and ended all contact.  A couple months and it will be a year since I saw them.

I filed over a dozen visitation violations to the DA, and it all accounts for nothing.  It even says on the site that "no further action will be taken" and that it is only for records.  So now I have to go back to court and pay almost a thousand dollars (of which I have none) just to make the court enforce it's own order.

Gotta love the US Family Court system.  It's so fair and not in any way biased against fathers.